Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What makes your English muffins Dam Good™?
A: Dam Good English muffins are:
- Handmade in small batches at our facility in Peekskill, NY, using our naturally fermented sourdough starter and simple, clean, high-quality ingredients.
- Free from dairy, artificial preservatives, enzymes, dough conditioners, shelf stabilizers, flavorings or industrial seed oils.
- Crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, once toasted.
- Hearty, with 8g of protein per serving, and versatile, making them a great vehicle for any meal of the day!
- Square! give you more square footage for all of your delicious creations. Our square shape also celebrates our commitment to uniqueness.
- Typically sold frozen to maintain ultimate freshness.
- Dam Good tasting!
Q: What is the shelf life?
A: Since our sourdough English muffins don't contain any artificial preservatives or ingredients, the shelf life differs depending on how quickly or slowly you eat them.
- Room Temperature: up to 5-7 days
- Refrigerator: up to 7-10 days
- Freezer (recommended): up to 9 months
Q: What kind of flour do you use?
A: We proudly only use King Arthur Flour. Based in Norwich, VT, since 1790 they've been producing flour that is only grown and milled in the United States. King Arthur Flour is never-bleached and uses only the purest ingredients, free from GMOs. Read more about King Arthur Flour’s history here.
Q: How did you come up with the name "Dam Good™ English Muffins?"
A: Our brand name references our proximity to The New Croton Dam, located in Cortland, NY, nearby where we got our start, our goal to do Dam Good™ in our community and to make Dam Good™ English Muffins!
Q: Is there any way to subscribe to Dam Good™ English Muffins?
A: Yes, you can subscribe and save 10% per item by selecting the item(s) that you wish to subscribe to and selecting how often you want them delivered. Once subscribed, you can easily swap items, skip orders or cancel at anytime. For more information, please visit our Subscribe and Save 10% information page.
Q: Do Dam Good™ English Muffins contain any tree nuts?
A: No, there are no tree nuts included in any of our recipes. While our manufacturing facility is not tree nut-free, none of the equipment used in the production of Dam Good™ English Muffins comes into contact with any nut products.
Q: Do Dam Good™ English Muffins contain any dairy products?
A: No, Dam Good™ English Muffins don't contain dairy and are therefore vegan and plant-based.
Q: Are Dam Good™ English Muffins kosher?
A: Our English muffins are kosher however they are not kosher certified.
*If you have a question that's not included, please email to let us know, thanks!