Please note that English muffin orders are shipped Monday-Wednesday and should be placed before 2:00pm EST for same or next day shipment. *WE SHIP NATIONWIDE!*

Our recent English Muffin tasting at Mom's Organic Market in Paramus, New Jersey

To say we were excited to be invited by the staff from Mom's Organic Market (MOM's) in Paramus, New Jersey to sample our English muffins as part of their grand opening celebration on February 5, 2022 is an understatement!

Over the last two years with the emergence of COVID-19, retailers had not been allowing producers like us, to come in and do tastings in their stores. However, over the past few months, in-store events, like sampling, have been coming back, and it was awesome to have participated.

Moreover, as a wholesale bakery, we often don't get the opportunity to engage and interact with new and returning customers, so this was a really unique and fun opportunity. Also, in-store tastings really help consumers to discover new products, like Dam Good English Muffins, and make shopping more fun and engaging.

For us, it was such an enjoyable time to set up our toaster next to their customer service desk, right across from the shelf where our vegan sourdough English muffins are being sold, and give freshly toasted samples out to shoppers.

Vegan Sourdough Dam Good English Muffins on the Shelves of Mom's Organic Market in Paramus, NJ

Besides being a busy day at the store, and we (Denise, owner, Ross, co-founder, Ty, head baker) had a blast connecting with some of our existing customers who stopped by to say “hello,” while also getting the chance to meet many new people from the Paramus area.

Sampling Our Vegan Sourdough English Muffins at Mom's Organic Market in Paramus, NJ

MOM's is the “Mid-Atlantic’s premier chain of family owned and operated grocers” whose purpose is to “protect & restore the environment.”

In our experience, we’ve found MOM's to be a “Dam Good” supermarket that features a great selection of items, and a super friendly, helpful staff. As such, we hope you’ll get to visit them, and see us on their shelves at their Dobbs Ferry, NY and Paramus, NJ locations.

Vegan sourdough Dam Good English Muffins on the shelves of Mom's Organic Market in Paramus, NJ.
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For AMERICAN HEART MONTH (February), 10% of all sales from our "Original White" variety will be donated to the American Heart Association

As a mother daughter duo in business who both suffer from severe heart conditions, we were inclined to activate this fundraiser to Do Dam Good™ not only by donating money, but also by raising awareness about women's cardiovascular issues through sharing our stories. - Denise (owner) and Olivia Weale (operations manager)

Support Cardiovascular Health

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